Build your company, build your career, build your life with Breakaway Sales School!
Mike Kerrison's Breakaway Sales School
Breakaway Sales School is a six-module online training program that teaches you step by step how to master a powerful and proven structured sales cycle that will work in any client situation.  The course includes a comprehensive orientation, over 13 hours of video instruction, and 40 individual Learning Documents to support your experience.  You will learn to understand and adapt to different buying behaviors and interpersonal styles which is the psychology of selling. You will understand how to maximize the revenue potential of your sales territory, utilize state of the art digital marketing to fill your pipeline, and how to get things done in a chaotic world. And, the one attribute that is always overlooked; you will learn how to become mentally tough, forever. In short, you’ll learn the secret sauce that leads to breakaway sales performance!  Lastly, with this one singular investment you will be a member of Breakaway Sales School for a lifetime!

Become a Breakaway Sales Performer – Join Today!

Breakaway Sales School’s comprehensive curriculum will help you double your performance in one year. Apply and you’ll see the results. It’s proven!

There are five core learning modules plus a dynamic library of Graduation Bonuses and Advanced trainings. I felt it was very important that you have a full understanding of the structure and detailed content of the class so you could make an informed decision.  When you’re making an investment like this it is important that you know what you are going to get.


Hi, I’m Mike Kerrison.

I’m thrilled that you’re interested in Breakaway Sales School – a modern on-line business school for a rapidly changing world. My total focus with this school is to equip you with everything you will need to truly become a Breakaway Sales Performer.  My deepest hope is that this school will be a lifetime companion to help you fulfill your dreams for your business, your career, and your life.

I want you to know that I have the deepest respect for anyone who can make a living and build a company with guts, gumption, and a positive attitude.  If only that’s what it took to be a great salesperson, right?  I know from 30 years of experience that it takes more than heart and determination – sales is an art form, and to be successful you have to master the craft.

I’ve gathered 35 years of experience building companies, selling in the field, consulting hundreds of clients, and training thousands of sales reps into the practical design of Breakaway Sales School.  It’s a rich, powerful online learning curriculum that will help you achieve your sales goals and create the life you want.  Whether you’re a brand new sales person just getting started, a seasoned veteran determined to get to the next level, or a growing company that needs a proven sales development program, Breakaway Sales School will accelerate your performance like never before.  Join me and thousands of graduates in becoming a Breakaway!

Module 1: Orientation and Personal Assessment

Set a solid foundation for long term success.

I have developed a holistic assessment tool that provides quantitative and qualitative measurement as to your condition as a sales representative or sales manager. This provides a clear picture as to what needs to be worked on to get you to the next level. A comprehensive diagnostic report is provided to reinforce your training experience. The assessment takes less than two hours to complete. This provides a solid benchmark for you. Below are the topics for Module One:  

Sales Competence Loop

  • Understand the steps taking you from unconscious incompetence to conscience competence.
  • Why High Performance = Potential minus Interference
  • Get comfortable being uncomfortable
  • Using our Bicycle Metaphor – We will build your foundation for personal growth

Personal Sales Assessment

  • We provide an online self-assessment test that will measure your skills against the Breakaway Sales Community. This allows us to establish a baseline for your improvement.
  • We also provide the Formal Assessment Results and your personal Diagnostic Report and improvement strategy

Breakaway Sales Roadmap

  • You will receive a course orientation, preparation, and explicit detail of the course
  • We will show you how to practice and conduct fabulous role play scenarios on your own or with others
Module 2: Mastering the Structured Sales Cycle – The First Secret

Flexible steps for making the perfect sales call.

The sales structure is composed of flexible steps and tactics that are visible, logical, and repeatable. You will learn to obey the rules of the structure without appearing canned or rehearsed but instead authentic and polished. The structured sales cycle works. It works for both short and long term sales cycles, with simple and complex products, with senior executives, middle management, and casual buyers, on the phone, face-to-face, in groups, and in any industry. The point is: The structured sales cycle is universal. You do not have to learn four or five different ways to sell, depending on the industry or product or buyer class. You have to learn only one way, and if you learn it well, you will succeed your entire sales career.  

Overview of the Structured Sales Model

  • I will walk you through the logic and power behind the model
  • I will show you industry examples of how it is used

The Opening and Impact Statement

  • How to put the prospect at ease immediately
  • How to introduce your company and your core competency
  • How to make an impact and make them listen
  • Explicit examples will be used to demonstrate this approach

Questioning and Listening

  • How to transition from the opening to the most important part of the sales call.
  • Showcase your knowledge with the power and style of your questions.
  • Samples of open and closed ended questions and bumper questions – a powerful influencing skill.
  • Design questions for C-Level, middle management, and different departments within the company.
  • Learn to use our pre-call preparation tool for forming the right questions.
  • A deep dive into listening skills which is widely misunderstood and fatal when done poorly.

The Summary

  • How to gather, articulate, and position what you have learned from the discovery questions.
  • How to shape the summary to fit your solution

Powerful Sales Presentations

  • Learn best practices for effective sales presentations
  • How to read your audience and shape the experience
  • Do’s and Don’ts and how to prepare for the pitch of your lifetime

Initiate Closing Cycle

  • How to gracefully transition to closing the deal
  • Which way is the wind blowing with the prospect – baby yes or baby no
  • Learn to use the “Ben Duffy” method
  • Know when you’re on track, or not, and how to recover if the call is going south

Spotting and Handling Objections

  • Learn how to listen to understand, suspend judgement, articulate their point of view, affirm and confirm, offer a different point of view, and handle the objection.
  • Watch this in a live action situation. This is an art form and will work when done correctly. You will master this skill.
  • Learn to manage your tension and keep the prospect comfortable.

The Assumptive Close

  • Learn the grace and charm of the easiest part of the call.
  • What are the closing sentiments to sustain trust in the relationship
Module 3: Mastering Buying Behaviors – The Second Secret

Adjust your style and influence others.

Understanding buying behaviors and interpersonal styles and how these styles impact your sales call is enormously important if you want to be a breakaway performer. Your ability to influence people and speed the sales process is tied directly to these skills. You will discover your natural interpersonal style using a scientifically researched testing model. You’ll develop a unique understanding of the style of the buyer and how to recognize them. Now you can become highly versatile and adapt your style to fit the way people want to buy. You are now in control and enjoy a tremendous competitive advantage.  

The Four Interpersonal Styles

  • Learn the buying behaviors of the Aggressor, Analytical, Emoter, and Harmonizer
  • Learn your own style and exactly how you must adapt to make others comfortable buying from you

The Platinum Rule vs. the Golden Rule

  • How to treat others the way they need to be treated
  • How to influence all of the styles

No Trust, No Need, No Help, No Hurry

  • Learn how these four obstacles, if not handled correctly, will kill your sale, and how to overcome them
  • What are the imperatives for handling objections
  • Understand how these four obstacles correlate to the buying styles and what adjustments you must make

Understanding Each Style

  • An advanced lecture on what the styles have in common (and not) and what they need from you to make a decision

Adjust Your Style to the Buyer

  • What new skills you need in order to be fast and versatile in a sales call
  • How to practice and sustain these skills forever

Tips for Assessing Buyer Styles

  • What do I need to look for to accurately detect the prospects style
  • How do I confirm my observations before I take my approach
  • How do I become a highly versatile sales person and influencer
Module 4: Mastering Personal Management - The Third Secret

Create and drive your 200% plan.

You will learn to master the “nuts and bolts” of running a territory while maximizing your personal productivity. Research has proven that most sales people spend less than 15 % of their time in front of customers. This is due to weak practices, inability to leverage technology, poor planning, and inadequate sales processes. Time is the sales reps number one natural resource, and the only resource that is not renewable. This session focuses on today’s best time management practices which are the prerequisite for reengineered sales processes. You will learn how to gather, process, organize, deploy, and measure work flow. You will also learn how to build an opportunity map and how to create a 200 % plan – a focused strategy designed to double your sales performance. These skills are mandatory for the breakaway performer.  

Build Your Dream List

  • I call this “from the white board to reality”. Learn to convert your dream to a plan of action that you can execute. Planning is fun. Execution is hard. I’ll show you how.
  • Receive the templates and planning components to support your Dream List

Identify the High Payoff Habits

  • You will build your personal Opportunity Map which will identify what is most important in your sales career and how you are currently performing against these areas.
  • The Map will isolate exactly what to work on with a precise improvement plan to get you where you want to go

Tyranny of the Urgent

  • Learn the deadly time traps and what to do about them
  • Managing email and voice mail
  • Identify and eliminate the interference that destroys your time and depletes your energy

Workflow and Time Management

  • Design and manage your personal and professional life to support your ideal outcome
  • Establish new habits that build a productive and happy life
  • Learn the myths of work/life balance

Territory Management

  • Learn to segment markets and take beachheads
  • Use the Sunflower Model to organize your territory
  • Learn modern methods for prospecting because the old methods are dead
  • How to be a “one to many sales person” with a pipeline that is always full
  • Learn the best practices of CRM systems and how to leverage them
  • Learn how to use SEO, Social Media, and guerilla marketing to create followers and sustain momentum
  • Create powerful proposals and winning presentations

The 200 % Plan

  • Learn the proven methodology to double your quota and actually attain it
  • Design a detailed business development plan to drive 200 % of quota
  • How to double your earnings

Effective Personal Management

  • Step by step implementation plan to optimize your time and double your performance in one year
Module 5: Mastering Mental Toughness - The Fourth Secret

Learn the secrets of the world’s greatest performers.

You will learn the mental toughness secrets of the world’s greatest performers from various fields. This session introduces my thirty-year collection of performance profiles. The training compares the average person’s thought processes to the behaviors and attitudes of the breakaway performer. From there we can teach the disciplines required to build sustainable mental toughness.  

Potential minus Interference

  • Remove the interference and grow your performance
  • How to manage the C minus day
  • How to renew motivation every day
  • What am I “making up” about myself and others and how does it hurt me

The Change Formula

  • Receive a proven guide to help you make the changes in your life to unleash your potential
  • Learn Rational and Irrational Thinking and their positive and negative effects on us

Overcoming Adversity

  • What is adversity and how do I turn it into lifeblood
  • Beware of prosperity’s path for your integrity is at risk
  • Learn to learn, learn to create, learn to relate, learn to integrate

Circle of Congruence

  • Use this tool to create absolute clarity of what you want for your life and your career
  • Learn the critical core life competencies to gain and sustain clarity
  • Understand how to convert Hindsight, Insight, and Foresight into knowledge and power

Advanced Training to Accelerate Your Success

In addition to your five core learning modules, you’ll also receive a dynamic library of Graduation Bonuses and Advanced Training on everything from setting up perfect role play scenarios, prospecting in a changing world, digital marketing, effective speaking and presentation skills, writing winning proposals, CRM mastery, running a killer sales meeting, and sample industry impact statements that pass the “goose bump” test.

And For You Sales Managers…

You will receive a separate Advanced Video Module that outlines the six critical sales management requirements to consistently produce Breakaway Sales Performers.  These are the same proven principles that I applied to my own sales teams.  Now they’ll be yours.  Here they are:


  • Decisiveness
  • Recruiting & Hiring
  • Setting Objectives
  • Developing Business
  • Developing People
  • Support

Become a Breakaway Sales Performer – Join Today!

We are honored to have thousands of Breakaway Sales School Graduates who loved the journey they took with us. Many are part of the Breakaway Sales Tribe – our sales community that is always at the ready to help you get to the next level. Each of them can attest to the power of the program and they are having wonderful success in their career.

I have been a successful salesman for many years so I was skeptical about Mike’s program. But I’m living proof that you can double your sales performance in one year. The Breakaway Sales School got me there. This changed my life both professionally and personally.  I’m glad to be a part of the Sales Tribe.

Garrett Baumgardner

Production Print Sales Manager, EO Johnson

This is a collection of my own little treasures plus the brilliant ideas of many talented experts that I follow. These are the resources and the people that you need in your world.

Social Media Training

Learn easy list building tips with Facebook, Twitter, You Tube and Instagram from   the best and brightest minds in modern marketing.

Downloadable Sales Tools

Receive my treasure trove of pre-call planning tools, structured sales templates, industry hot buttons, territory planner, quick study cards, and automated 200 % planner.  These are a must and they will save you a ton of time.


Killer Testimonials and References

Your clients are your best sales force.  Leveraging those relationships is critical to your success.  I’ll show you how.

The Objection Clinic

Receive a list of 20 of the most common objections and how to overcome each of them.  This one is powerful and loaded with creative wordsmithing and applies to any industry.

Six Figure Income or More

You will learn how to target your territory revenue production by reverse engineering your desired earnings target.  Make a ton of money and build the life you want.

Interviewer and Interviewee

Learn both sides of the interview table.  Hire the right sales rep for the job and get the sales job you want.  I can help both sides sparkle during the interview.

Designing Fabulous Sales Incentives

Play to win!  Have fun!  Make money!  Build a powerful team! Create the sales force that if it existed, would put yours out of business!

Massive Performance

Receive actual systems and tools to support your personal and professional growth.  High Performance equals Potential minus Interference.  Identify specifically what holds you back from reaching your fullest potential and what to do about it.

Turn Your Web Site into a Lead Generation Machine

Your web site needs to attract, sell, and convert clients 24/7.  No longer does the static web based brochure work in today’s world.  Learn to be a Modern Marketer!

Book List

These are the finest books on motivation and personal growth that I have ever read.  I want you to have them, read them, study them, learn from them, and grow as a person.  They will help you become the Breakaway Sales Performer that you were meant to be.   Promise!

Your training is released as six modules within our private, member only website. Each module is filled with several comprehensive training videos emulating actual classroom conditions, specific and complete learning templates, resource listings for further study, action guides, and progress planners. You’ll watch and learn from your computer or download templates to your tablet, PC, or mobile device. My goal is to make the learning experience personal and highly enjoyable. I simulate actual classroom scenarios as though I were right there with you.

Take a quick peek into the classroom!

Opening and Impact

Listening To Understand

Buying Behaviors

Competence Equals Power

200% Plan

Empathy Is A Skill

Grab and Go Training




I won’t kill you with 90-minute training videos. Ugh! Nobody likes a talking head and a bunch of boring power points. That’s why I have broken down the modules into short (15 to 25 minute), digestible video segments that are perfectly sequenced. I want you to learn, take action, implement and have fun.

Multi Media Format




Orientation and Personal Assessment Set a solid foundation for long term success.

Mastering the Structured Sales Cycle – The First Secret Flexible steps for making the perfect sales call.

Mastering Buying Behaviors – The Second Secret Adjust your style and influence others.

Mastering Personal Management Create and drive your 200% plan

Mastering Mental Toughness The secrets of the world’s greatest performers

Advanced Training and Graduation Bonuses


You will get access to the entire course immediately after your investment. However, I strongly recommend that you follow the course module sequence in order to have the best learning experience. The modules provide a building block approach with one module paving the way for the next. While everyone’s schedule is different it would be best for you to donate one week for each module allowing you to complete the course in six weeks. You will find this pace and absorption rate to be optimal using that approach. And remember, you can retake any module at any time for a life time of learning. So fire up the PC, or listen to the mp3’s on your smart phone, or whatever method works for you. The course was designed for sales people who are on the move.

Can I get my training all at once?

Yes, everything is available immediately. However, the Breakaway Sales School is designed for you to experience one module at a time and complete the action plans in that order. If you jump around you will hurt the experience. This is a building block approach to learning. Every detail has been designed to maximize the results and get you to Breakaway Performer Status as quickly as possible. Sequence is very important in Breakaway Sales School. We want you too fully understand each step and be ready to move forward with confidence. This training is not an event, it is a journey, a complete development process designed for your success. How do we know it works? We have thousands of graduates who will tell you it does. Remember, once you complete Sales School you are a lifetime member and can take the course forever any time you want and in any order you want.

One more time, here is the course sequence:


Orientation and Assessment



Mastering the Structured Sales Cycle


Mastering Buying Behaviors



Mastering Personal Management



Mastering Mental Toughness



Advanced Sales Training



Graduation Bonuses


Can I learn at my own pace?

Absolutely! There are six modules, and each is accessible immediately after finishing the module before it. Hey, John Lennon said it best, “life is what happens when you’re making other plans”. Remember, Breakaway Sales School is yours forever so you can’t fall behind. Work at a pace that is comfortable for you. And, my staff is always a quick email away. Tell us what you need and we will do our best to accommodate your timeline. In short, the program is yours. You can revisit and retake the Course any time you want.

What if I have questions?

Breakaway Sales School has dynamic support structures to keep you on track every step of the way.

Breakaway Team Support
As always, we are here to serve you.  If you have technical issues or any type of challenge let us know immediately.  Simply email and we will be happy to take care of you.  Our customer service hours are 9 am to 5 pm CST, M-F.  Contact us and we’re on it!

Breakaway Performance TV
Every month you will receive my video blogs of the most important topics surrounding sales and strategy.  You won’t want to miss these.

When and how do I enroll in Breakaway Sales?

Classes are available 24×7 as soon as you subscribe. Don’t forget, you get a 100% money back guarantee … no gimmicks … no tricks!

Do you offer a guarantee?

Yes! Our mission is to help you realize your dreams and achieve unprecedented sales success for the long haul.  If you’re not satisfied with the course we will gladly return 100% of your money within the first sixty days. We’ll ask for your completed course work (to make sure you gave it your best shot) and we’ll ask you what specifically didn’t work so we can learn from our experience together.

Absolutely … but my many testimonials tell the story better than I do.  I have hundreds of testimonials and stories affirming the power of this program.  Read their powerful stories here.

Click here for honest answers to tough questions.

You have questions?  I have answers.  Still unsure?  Contact me and let’s talk about it!

Finally, FREE TRAINING!  Click here to take a peek into some of the past classroom experiences.

Get a feel for this powerful online course by experiencing my classroom. The online offering will deliver the exact same content and more, at a fraction of the cost and with maximum depth and breadth.  But these videos are more than just a peek … I provide some fabulous tips that you can take to the field immediately!

Mike Kerrison's Breakaway Sales School
On behalf of me, my team, and the entire Breakaway Sales School Community, we sincerely hope to be working with you. If you want to know more about Breakaway Sales School, let us know in the form below and we’ll make a connection.  If you feel like you’re ready to join us…well then let’s get started!

Tell me more about Breakaway Sales School

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I'm ready to be a Breakaway Sales Performer!

Get Mike's expert, on-demand sales training and daily coaching designed to help you crush quota and become the best sales pro, period.